Writing your goals and going after them means making up you mind, but your mind is made from your body and a compliment to your soul. The mind cannot fall too deep into the ego of fear or arrogance. Instead, the mind can only grow through internal communication with self.
Listening to your body when it gets upset instead of using your ego as a excuse to write like someone else instead of yourself. It also entails being open to new discoveries about yourself and allow your souls the ability to make yourself present in the moment and available to yourself and others.
I like to think of my mind as a community of people that represent multiple versions of myself all fighting to have a voice inside my head and instead of discriminating against my thoughts, feelings, and actions, I allow all the information to come in as a consensus that will allow myself to look at my problems from a birds eye view. Looking at my own wants and needs from the perspective of a business owner, a president, a producer, or anyone in power.
Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are talent beyond measure.- Marianne Williamson.